News Update – 10/01/2025


Dear Parent / Colleague / Board Member,


We express our condolences to our previous BoM chair, Eileen Condon, Clashavougha and her family on the death of her mum Irene, yesterday. Irene is now re-united with her late husband Jack who died in early December. Irene’s funeral mass will take place in FMW on Monday next. May they both rest in peace. Please check for further details.


Recent Weather.

Thanks for your cooperation, understanding and patience in this last week. Hopefully we are over the worst of it and schools throughout this area can return to normality on Monday next. Thanks to all who played their part in any way and hopefully families enjoyed some fun time in the snow and have the memories to prove it.


Sunday Mass.

This Sunday had been scheduled as a pre confirmation mass. Speaking with Fr Michael, we encourage as many as possible to attend at 9 am in FMW. Towards the end of the month, we as a school will be cooperating with Fr Michael to highlight the life of Blessed Carlos Acutis, who is due to be canonised in late April. Bishop Cullinan will bless a newly installed statue of the 15 year who died in 20026 at Ardfinnan Church on Wednesday 29th January. More about this in the coming weeks.


Hot School Meals.

Carambola will commence again in earnest on Monday next with their hot school meals. As you are aware there is a Friday deadline. If you haven’t pre-booked at the last time of asking please do so again by logging into the app with your specific details or login using the following link. We continue to urge all children to bring their Carambola lunchboxes to school and use it to bring home their empty packaging.


The Weir.

On Friday 31st January, The Bride View Players will perform The Weir, a play by Conor McPherson at Ballymacarbry Community Centre. Ballymacarbry N.S. will be one of the net beneficiaries of any funds raised, along with other local groups. Brideview Players are one of the top amateur drama groups in the country and we look forward to having them again. Thanks to Pat Melody & Jim Ryan for incorporating us. Tickets will go on sale at the weekend and will be available from the school on Monday (€15 each). We encourage as many as possible to attend and spread the word to families’ friends and neighbours.


Young Scientist Comp.

Well done to past pupil, Oran Sheehan, who represented the CBS, Clonmel at the BT Young Scientist Competition at the RDS in Dublin yesterday. Oran’s project would enthuse many in this area as it studies the effect of maximizing payments for grassland farmers under the Agri-Climate Rural Environmental Scheme (ACRES) Oran’s siblings Olan and Enya are currently pupils of our school. Maith thú Oran.


GAA Coach

Conor Prendergast will visit all classes on the next two Wednesdays so gum shields at the ready please.


Is mise,

Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal.

News Update – 20/12/2024



Dear Parent / Colleague / Board Member,


Christmas Mass.

As a school we travelled to Fourmilewater Church on Wednesday morning to participate in the weekly mass for Christmas. We sang carols and said mass readings etc. Thanks to Fr Toomey for officiating; Mrs Byrne and Miss Kelly along with the Banna Ceoil, who led the way, in our participation.



We remember Nicky Shanahan, late of Abbeyside who died on Wednesday last. Nicky was a weekly visitor to our school down through the years and many of our pupils will remember as the tin whistle man. May he rest in peace.  


Hot School Meals.

Our Hot School Meals commenced this week. The children enjoyed four hot meals and a snack on Friday, owing to the half day. Liz is operating the service on behalf of Carambola at our school. It is going very well, by all accounts. Please ensure that you have any amendments made online by midnight the previous Friday. The website can be accessed here. Hot School Meals – Carambola Ltd We urge all children to bring their Carambola lunchboxes to school and use it to bring home their empty packaging.


Gaelbhratach – Irish Flag.

Míle buíochas le Miss Kelly agus a Rang 5 agus gach duine a tháinig isteach inné don mhaidin caife. Bhí maidin álainn againn ag caint is ag canadh. Bhí an coiste ag obair go dian chun Gaelbhratach a fháil agus go riabh míle maith agaibh as ucht na milseoga a rinne sibh.


The Weir.

On Friday 31st January, The Bride View Players will perform The Weir, a play by Conor McPherson at Ballymacarbry Community Centre. Ballymacarbry NS will be one of the net beneficiaries of any funds raised along with other local groups. Brideview Players are one of the top amateur drama groups in the country and we look forward to having them again in the early New Year. Thanks to Pat Melody & Jim Ryan for bringing this production to Ballymacarbry and including us in the proceeds. We would really hope that the school community would support this venture and encourage neighbours, relatives and friends to buy tickets and enjoy the dramatic production in our locality.  


BOM Sub-Committee.

Work continues on the formation of the School Development Plan sub-committee, which it is expected will meet for the first time during January. The sub-committee will be tasked with the creation of a five-year development plan for the built environment of the school. The process through which development plan will be prepared will include consultation with parents and the wider school community. All going well, the development plan will be prepared by the end of July next year. On a side note, another BOM sub-committee will meet up with Waterford’s newest TD, Conor McGuinness on Monday next. Conor has a strong connection with our school as his nephews and nieces are enrolled here. We look forward to working with him and indeed all public representatives in our dealings with WC&CC on parking and road safety in general.


Christmas Jumper Day.

Thanks to those who contributed to our Sensory Room collection today, with your help we raised almost €370, which will go towards the purchase of sensory items and equipment.



We thank Pat Power for his annual Christmas help out. Pat has been brilliant down through the years, thrilling many the pupil at our school. Today was no exception. We wish Pat the very best in his retirement. Thanks also to his helper Aoife, who along with other P.A. members put enormous effort into organising today and every year. We appreciate the generosity of Dunnes Stores, Clonmel too.


Garda Visit.

Thanks to Garda O’Calllaghan who called to our Rg 6 today to speak with them on matters such as road safety and all things garda related.


Christmas Holidays.

Our school closed earlier today and will reopen on Monday 6th January 2024, the Feast of the Epiphany. All that remains for me to do is to wish you all a happy and a holy Christmas 2024.

Nollaig Shona Daoibh go Léir.

News Update – 13/12/2024



Dear Parent / Colleague / Board Member,


Danny Norris.

On Monday 9th last we marked the 2nd anniversary of our classmate Danny Norris. Mrs Coffey’s class attended the Feast of the Immaculate Conception mass at Fourmilewater Church in his memory. Upon their return, we sang assembled to sing Christmas carols and songs at his memorial Christmas tree.


Christmas Concert.

Excellent reviews are coming back to us from the two concerts at the Centre. Well done to one an all for providing two excellent nights of entertainment. Again, I’d like to thank all who helped in any way; including our pupils, teachers, all staff, SNA’s, Rose, the Community Centre Committee, Johnny O’Brien, bus driver – McCarras, The P.A helpers, the raffle sponsors, Ger McGrath – DVD, Joes from DBL Lighting & Sound and the parking attendants, but most especially the pupils and teachers who put so much preparation into the entire project. Who knows we may have a ‘Saoirse Ronan’ or ‘Paul Mescal’ in our very midst.


Hot School Meals.

School meals will commence on Monday next courtesy of Dept. of Social Protection and Carambola Ltd.

Each child would have received a page with log in details to order food. Please do this on the website or download the Carambola App from your smartphone. This needs to be done by midnight tonight to ensure inclusion for next week. I enclose a link here Contact numbers are provided if you need assistance with this. I’m sure there will be teething problems early on, but hopefully they can be ironed out fairly quickly. We will take the opportunity of reviewing our Healthy Eating Policy in tandem with this new and worthwhile development.


BOM Sub Committee.

Terms of Reference have been decided as to the formation of a BOM sub-committee to assist the BOM with worthwhile projects. Details are currently being finalised and we hope to be in a position to give a more comprehensive update next week.


Christmas Mass.

Our school will collectively attend Fourmilewater mass on Wednesday next at 10 am in advance of Christmas. Thanks to Fr Michael for facilitating us.


Confirmation Preparation.

Our Rang 6 pupils will feature in this Sunday’s 9 am mass in Fourmilewater as part of their Confirmation Preparation Programme. Please follow instructions from Mrs. Byrne.


Nire & Ballymacarbry Newsletter.

This fine publication is on sale in the locality and our school in 2024 school features heavily by way of an annual report and a pictorial review. Well done to Claire Bridle and her team on continuing this festive tradition.


Maidin Caifé / Coffee Morning

Beidh an Coiste Gaelbhratach ag eagrú ‘maidin caifé’ ar an 19ú Nollag. Má tá aon tuismitheoirí ná seantuismitheoirí saor, tar isteach chun caint linn. Beidh tae agus milseoga againn! The Irish Committee is organising a ‘Coffee Morning’ on Thursday 19th of December. We are encouraging any parents or grandparents to come join us for a chat with cúpla focal as Gaeilge. There will be lots of tea, coffee and treats to go round. Bígí linn


Christmas Holidays.

The school will break for Christmas holidays on Friday next at 12:30 pm. Buses will run from this time. The After School Service will operate until 6 pm. The P.A. is actively planning events for the morning. Children will be permitted to wear their Christmas jumpers etc.


Is mise,

Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal.

News Update – 06/12/2024


Dear Parent / Colleague / Board Member,



Deepest sympathy to Eileen Condon and family on the death of her late father, Jack Gillen. Jack was a regular at our school at Christmas time over the years, donning the red and white costume with ease. Eileen served as BoM chairperson on the 2020-23 Board. Jack was buried today in Fourmilewater. May he rest in peace.


School Concert.

Our eagerly awaited concert will take place on Tuesday and Thursday next at 7:15 pm each night. Thanks to those who have purchased tickets for the show and indeed all those working behind the scenes such as pupils and staff. There are some few tickets left so please contact Rose asap. Reminder – Be mindful that the tickets are colour coded for each night. There will be two acts before an interval and two acts after the interval. The Banna Ceoil will entertain the audience between the junior and senior shows. A tuck shop and raffle will be held on both nights. The P.A. is seeking raffle prizes from those interested in donating. The infant teachers will email their respective families with further information in relation to the concert for their classes.


Dress Rehearsal Day.

The school will spend Tuesday next at the Community Centre for dress rehearsal day. We ask parents to drop and collect children there at the usual times. Buses will also drop and collect to and from the centre. Majella will be based at the Centre at morning and evening time. Both infant classes will return to school after their dress rehearsal and can be collected from the school at 2 pm. Children attending the Breakfast Club & After School Service on Tuesday will be brought to and from the centre by bus. Rose will be based in the school to answer any questions you may have throughout the day.


Hot School Meals Update.

The specialised oven was delivered today. Staff have been identified and are set to undergo training next week. Information has been distributed to families in relation to the rollout of hot school meals on Mon 16th Dec. (Please check your child’s bag) Parents, your child can order their own lunch on-line at the Carambola website ( or by downloading the Carambola app from The App Store or Google Play Store. Parents are asked to download the Carambola App from the App Store or Google Play. By clicking on Parent Login and using each child’s own unique ID and password, each child will be registered. Once registered, you can use the dropdown menu to select your choices. Please submit your order in this method. Parents are asked to have this process complete by midnight next Friday. If you have any problem using the on-line system you can call 061 500 200 where a member of the Carambola staff will help you through the process. Changes made before 3 pm each Friday (or midnight online) will come into effect the following week.


Maidin Caifé / Coffee Morning

Beidh an Coiste Gaelbhratach ag eagrú ‘maidin caifé’ ar an 19ú Nollag. Má tá aon tuismitheoirí ná seantuismitheoirí saor, tar isteach chun caint linn. Beidh tae agus milseoga againn! The Irish Committee is organising a ‘Coffee Morning’ on Thursday 19th of December. We are encouraging any parents or grandparents to come join us for a chat with cúpla focal as Gaeilge. There will be lots of tea, coffee and treats to go round. Bígí linn


Christmas Holidays.

School will close on Fri 20th Dec at 12:30 pm for the Christmas holiday. The After School Club will remain open until 6 pm on the evening. Children can wear their Christmas jumpers / red items to school that day. The P.A. is working behind the scenes to organise a special visitor on the morning. Enjoy the family time tonight, for the Late Late Toy Show. As we gather as families, we fondly remember, our pupil / classmate Danny, marking his second anniversary ‘away from home’ this weekend. Lisa, Lar, Charlie and Shay are in our prayers tonight and this weekend.


Is mise,


Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal.

News Update – 29/11/2024



Dear Parent / Colleague / Board Member,



The school held a guard of honour on Wednesday morning as the remains of Dr. Bill O’Donovan passed the school gate on his final journey between his residence and Fourmilewater Church. We as a school community wanted to acknowledge the great work and service afforded by the doctor to the families of this community, since taking up residence in 1968. The crowds which turnout out over Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning were testament to this great work. Deepest sympathies to Christine, Annabelle, Catherine, families, friends and neighbours.

We also sympathise with our cleaner Tina Condon on the recent death of her uncle James O’Meara, Clonmel. James was buried in St. Patrick’s Cemetery on Monday last. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha dílse.


Parent Teacher Meetings

Thanks to parents and staff who participated in our PTM’s this week.                                                                                                                                 

Christmas Annuals.

Christmas annuals have now been ordered and will be distributed later in December.


School Concert.

Tickets will be held for families until Tuesday. Tickets not availed of, may be reallocated to those who have expressed an interest in purchasing more, if available.


Parents’ Association

The P.A. will hold a Christmas Jumper Exchange on 5th & 6th December in the Community Centre. This will be a great opportunity for parents to kit out their children for Christmas dress-up day on Friday 20th December. The PA will again help out on both nights of the Christmas Concert (11th & 12th Dec.) They plan on having a tuck-shop and a raffle. They are actively seeking spot prizes, from businesses, families or the general public. Please contact any member of the PA if you would like to donate a spot prize. In the new year, the PA will also join with other local groups to promote the staging of Brian McPherson’s ‘The Weir’ at Ballymacarbry Community Centre on Friday 31st January 2025. More about this in a future email.


Grow in Love Mass

Rang 2 boys and girls will participate in this week’s Sunday mass at FMW. Families are asked to be in church for 8:50 am. Please follow any instructions given by Miss O’Keeffe / Mrs Coffey.

As we approach the season of Advent, the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference warmly invites the school community to join in this year’s unique digital Advent Calendar for 2024, centered on the theme of hope. Each day, on the following link (Catholic Advent Calendar ) a virtual Advent Calendar door will open to provide daily reflections, prayers, and activities that explore the theme of hope. These doors can only be opened on each day of Advent.


Nire Valley Fair.

This takes place on Sunday between 2-5pm in the Nire Hall. Hopefully, Santa can take time from his busy schedule to visit the Nire again this year.


General Election.

This week the senior classes spoke about politics and their local constituency. In 6/7 years, these boys and girls will be on the electoral register. To participate in the democratic process, exercise your vote by 10 pm tonight.


Is mise,

Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal.