News Update – 13/09/2024


Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,


Water Update.

The Boil Water Notice continues at our school.



The Sacramental Programme for pupils in Rg 2 and Rg 6 has been decided with Fr. Michael this week. It is available for viewing here. Sacramental Programme 2024/25 While the Holy Communion dates are known for the parishes, the confirmation dates will be forwarded from the Diocesan Office later this term.


Fr Toomey will celebrate a Start of Year Mass for us on Wed 18th Sept. in FMW Church. This will coincide with the weekly 10 am service at the venue.


Please see below our patron’s message to students regarding the upcoming Visit of the Relics of St. Bernadette of Lourdes to our Diocese.


Clean Up.

Thanks to all who gave of their time, expertise and resources in what can be only described as a massive effort this week at our school. Indeed, some put preparatory work into getting the place ready the week before. The school grounds are power washed, 80% painted, boundary hedges are trimmed and the playing area is extended. We plan to go again on Monday night next from 5 pm to complete the task, weather permitting. Thanks to Mrs McGrath for coordinating. Please see our Facebook page for updates, as we progress.



Football has commenced at our school for these next week weeks while swimming lessons continue. We thank our local coaches for their help.


Secondary School Visits.

These visits are coming thick and fast for our Rg 6 pupils. Please familiarise yourself with deadline dates and Open Night details for you and your child’s chosen school.


Sight and Hearing Screening.

Could I please ask that Junior Infant families return the HSE forms distributed earlier this week by Monday next.


Infant Home Time.

From Monday 16th the Junior Infant school day will finish at 2 pm. Parents can collect them at this time or avail of the onsite after school facility if they are not on a bus servicing the school.


Policy Review.

We plan on reviewing our Child Safeguarding Statement review before Mid-term Break. We will also update our Admissions Policy, prior to the application process opening on 1st October next.



Could I again ask that all families, pay the insurance / arts & crafts fee for the current academic year.

We await the last few payments. Feel free to contact me at your convenience, for whatever reason, in this regard.


Best wishes

To the Panda Playground Committee on their official opening this Saturday between 12-3 pm. Our Rg 6 pupils were invited to take part in the Today FM “Our Town Radio Show” in advance of this opening. More to follow.


Also, to the organisers of the Colm Ryan Memorial Walk / Run / Jog taking place from Touraneena Community Centre on Sunday from 11 am.


Is mise,


Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal