News Update – 17/05/2024



Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,


First Communion.

Best wishes to Miss O’Keeffe and her Rang 2 pupils from FMW who make their First Communion tomorrow at 11 am. Families are asked to be at the church by 10:45pm at latest.


Corpus Christi.

I include an attachment from our patron in relation to the annual Corpus Christi procession. It may be of particular significance to those receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist.


Class & Teacher Allocations.

A letter was sent to all families during the week as regards teacher and class allocations for next year. Please refer to it for further information. We can now finalise booklists for each class and commence procurement.



Our hurlers contested the Cumann na mBunscol semi-final today in Colligan. We beat Glenbeg N.S., Dungarvan and we will now contest the final in the very near future. Well done one and all including staff and coaches at our school.


Aisling Kennedy Memorial Tournament.

On Thursday last, we sent two teams to the Presentation Secondary School to represent us in The Aisling Kennedy Memorial Tournament. Aisling was a past pupil of ours and we are glad to participate in her memory. Our girls played 7 matches in blitz format, unlucky to lose out to the Sisters of Charity, Clonmel in the final. Each child received a commemorative medal from the Kennedy Family.


Athletics Clonmel.

On Wednesday, 16 athletes represented us at the Annual Clonmel Athletic Club meet. It was a very successful day and weather wise it was a great improvement on October. In the combined overall event, our Rg 3/4 girls took first place, with their Rg 5/6 counterparts finishing second. Similarly in the boy’s competition, we took gold in the Rg 3/4 and silver in the Rg 5/6 event. Special mention to Darragh O’Gorman, Anna & James Walsh, Aine Horgan and Saorlaith Ryan in their commendable finishes.


Wexford Barn Owl Project.

A huge thank you to Colin from “Flew to you” who came to our school today. Colin brought with him a Harris hawk, Cookie the Tawny Owl from England, a white-faced scops owl from Africa, a Great grey owl from Canada (one of the largest owls in the world) and Gizmo the Barn owl. All classes were delighted to hear everything about these owls with opportunities to rub them and even to watch Gizmo the barn owl in flight.


Solar Panels.

Following a lengthy procurement process, we are delighted to inform the school community that we have received an allocation for the installation of solar panels at our school. They are scheduled to be installed during the first week of June, weather permitting.



Our Relationship and Sexuality Education Day is scheduled for Friday 7th June next and will incorporate the boys and girls from Rang 6. An information pack will be sent home to each family next week. Please complete the necessary paperwork and return to school at your earliest convenience.


Open Afternoon.

Our introductory meeting for new infants and their parents will take place on Wednesday 12th June at the school between the hours of 12:45 pm and 2:45 pm. Invites will be sent to all relevant families.


Bake Sale.

As previously stated, our Bake Sale will take place on Thursday 30th May next in the school and will be hosted by Miss Kelly’s Rang 5. Proceeds this year will go to the development of the Panda Playground at the Community Centre.


McCarthy Family – Newtown

We extend the sympathy of the entire school community to the McCarthy Family of Newtown, Ballymacarbry on the death of Billy on Tuesday last. Billy’s wife Helen worked at our school for many years as a caretaker. His grandchildren Oisin and Bella are current pupils. His daughter in law Aoife is current Chair pf the Parents’ Association, while his son in law Conor is our visiting GAA coach. Ar dheis Dé go raibh sé.


Is mise.

Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal.