News Update – 20/09/2024
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Water Update.
The Boil Water Notice continues at our school.
Thanks to Fr Toomey who celebrated our Start of Year Mass on Wednesday. Thanks also to all who helped prepare, participate in and attend on the morning.
Clean Up.
Thanks to all who completed the painting on Monday night, members of staff, spouses, staff, pupils, parents, grandparents, relatives and friends; Míle Buíochas, one and all.
School Meals.
We are in the middle of a tendering process to comply with the procurement of this scheme. The closing date for this is 25th October 2025.
Maths In-Service Day.
We have been notified by the Dept that our school will close on Fri 8th Nov to facilitate staff in-service for the new Maths Curriculum. Ballymacarbry Breakfast Club & After School Service is interested in hearing from those who may be interested in availing of their service, subject to sufficient demand. Contact Helen on 083 2028749 without delay.
Scoláireacht Uí Chadhla / Scholarship
We as a school, have been invited to participate in a Scholarship to Ring College in July 2025 (two pupils for two weeks, as day students) The value of the scholarship is €640, where the successful family will only have to pay €300. We will open this to pupils currently in Rg 5&6. We plan to schedule a competition if oversubscribed. Please register your interest by completing this short survey.
Sight and Hearing Screening.
The HSE nurse completed the screening of our junior infant pupils today. Thanks for your cooperation in this regard.
Block A continues for Rg 3/4. Monies are now being taken for Block B, which will commence on Friday 18th October. (€45)
Could I again ask that all families, pay the insurance fee to ensure 24/7 cover for all. Feel free to speak with Rose or myself if necessary.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal
P.S. Please don’t reply to this email as it is generic in nature.