News Update – 31/01/2025
Dear Parent / Colleague / Board Member,
The Weir.
The theatre Hall in Ballymacarbry will be the place to be tonight at 8 pm for Brideview Drama Group’s production of the Weir. Thanks to those who supported the staging of this show in any way, including purchasing tickets and sponsoring raffle prizes. Refreshments will be served from 7pm for an 8 pm start time. Please arrive early.
Blessed Carlo Acutis.
Thanks to Fr Michael for involving our Rg 5/6 pupils in the programme to highlight the soon to be canonised Blessed Carlo Acutis earlier this week. The children were very interested and asked relevant questions to Seamus & Mary Aoife of Carlo Acutis Ireland. Some of our pupils accompanied their families to Ardfinnan Church later that evening, where Ciarán from Rg 6 read a prayer of the faithful, representing our school.
Aladdin Connect Update.
Families would have received E-mail # 1 in relation to registering for Aladdin Connect on Monday last at 6 pm. Furthermore, they would have received E-mail # 2 yesterday at 6 pm. Please follow these instructions to register to Aladdin Connect in order to facilitate smoother communication between home / school and vice versa. More and more services will be carried out through this as the year unfolds. Hopefully we can get a high percentage uptake without undue delay. I hereby attach a link to a sheet which explains the process and the previously mentioned e-mails. Aladdin Connect Sign Up Parents are already updating their children’s details, including emergency contacts. Can we kindly ask that contacts outside of parents are named as emergency contacts. Parent details are already be on the system. Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.
HSE letter.
New legislation has been enacted by the Oireachtas obliging schools to share pupils’ details with the Health Service executive (HSE) On foot of this, we have been instructed by the Dept. of Education to inform families of this development in relation to the HSE School Health Programme. (Please see letter attached.)
Lá ‘le Bríde
The school and associated Breakfast Club & After School Service will be closed on Monday next to celebrate the February holiday in honour of St. Brigid. Mrs Long called in this week to help with the making of the traditional St. Brigid’s cross. Lá Fhéile Bríde Shona Daoibh.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal.