News Update – 23/10/2020
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Attendance: Eight weeks into the current academic year and we have reached midterm largely unscathed, thanks to the efforts of many people, both internal and external, including staff through parents down to pupils and beyond. We have had very good attendance rates during Sept and Oct which equates to 95.2% year to date. Corresponding midterm figures since 2016/17 would be 95.5%, 95.9%, 96.6% and 96.1% respectively. From this we see that we are in keeping with yearly averages, albeit slightly lower – Oct being slightly higher than Sept. On a point of caution, Nov and Dec of last year saw lower averages at 93% and 88% respectively, the lowest in many years, however we will cross this bridge when we get to it.
Hand Sanitiser: Thankfully we were not one of the schools affected by this product recall as we sourced our dispensers and sanitising fluid locally earlier in the summer at O’Reilly’s Total health Pharmacy Clonmel, prior to the national list being published.
New D.P. The Board of Management is pleased to announce that Mrs. Lorraine Franey will take up the position of Deputy Principal at our school in the near future. Mrs Franey is the current D.P. at Lisnamrock N.S. near Thurles, Co. Tipperary and was successful following interview last weekend. The appointment is subject to Departmental approval and all the necessary paperwork. Great interest was shown in the position and we thank all those who exercised an expression of interest and presented for interview. Commiserations to those internally and externally who were unsuccessful on this occasion.
New P.P. Our new parish priest, Fr. Michael Twomey called to our school this week, where he introduced himself and met up with our 6th Class and their teacher Mr. Brunnock. We wish Fr. Michael well in his new role and look forward to him attending to the pastoral needs of our school in addition to his parish role. It is still his intention to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation along with Fr. Desmond to this cohort of pupils sooner rather than later.
Fundraising: Thanks to parent Therese O’Flynn for her generous donation to the school following her Sponsored Walk recently. The proceeds have been distributed between St. James’ hospital Dublin and Positive Steps Together Newcastle and ourselves. We greatly appreciate the gesture. Maith thú a Therese. Best wishes for the future.
Halloween – The school will close this evening for a week and will reopen on Mon. 2nd Nov. for 9:20 am. This is correct at time of print. It was great to see the children all donned in Halloween attire today, some light relief during Level 5 Lockdown. Well done to pupils, parents and family members for their support in this regard.
Epilogue: As we put back the clocks this weekend, (plenty would love to put them forward by six weeks or so) we look forward to a new spring and a new dawn for all. Hope springs eternal, as they say or in reality the only way around it is through it. All that is left for me to do is to wish you all a “Happy Halloween”. It will not be the normal holiday we have become accustomed to but that doesn’t mean it can’t be better. Bain taitneamh as and keep safe.
Le gach dea ghuí.
Michael J.O’Ryan – Principal