
Annual Admission Notice

Ballymacarbry N.S. will open admission applications for the 2025/26 Academic Year on Tuesday 1st October 2024. All schools had to adopt a new Admission’s Policy during the year 2020 and ours has been approved by the patron and ratified by our Board of Management. The policy is available for viewing here;

Admissions Policy

This policy outlines our criteria for enrolment.

If you are interested in enrolling your child / children please download the following form, complete same and return to school at earliest opportunity.

Admission Application 

BMC NS Admission Application for Sept 2025 -Form 1

Alternately you can contact the school, for a hard copy either by;

phone (052) 6136349

or email ballymacns@gmail.com


Enrolment Application

Form 2 will become available later in the year once the initial closing date has passed

As stated earlier, all schools in the state are bound by a new Admissions Policy to standardise the enrolment process to primary schools throughout Ireland.  Any questions, please contact Michael (Principal) or Rose (Secretary) at 052- 6136349 or email us at ballymacns@gmail.com

Is mise, Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal.


Pre & Post School Childcare – The Board of Management has engaged the services of Helena Wall O’Meara to put in place a “Breakfast Club and After School Service” for school going children at our school from September 2022.

We approached Helena following the Expression of Interest Advertisement recently published in local newspapers.

Helena is fully qualified and has accumulated many years of experience to the extent that she now operates three successful services at Clerihan, Fethard and Carrick on Suir schools.

The need for this service has been highlighted by local children being unable to attend our school due to childcare issues and parents writing to the Board. We hope that this service can prosper over time so that those preferring to enroll at our school can do so.

People are encouraged to contact Helena at their earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment. Helena can be contacted directly on 087 6360930 Please pass this information to those who may be interested in enrolling at our school now or into the future.