News Update – 30/09/2022
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Attendance – I’m glad to report that we are back up to our expected attendance rate of 95% for September 2022.
Enrolment – Enrolment opens for all primary schools on October 1st, which is tomorrow. If you know of anyone interested in applying for a place at our school, please ask them to contact us on 052-6136349 or Further information will be posted on the enrolment tab of our website.
Budget 2023 – Main Feature of Budget 2023 from a Department of Education perspective is that “From September 2023, free school books and related classroom resources will be supplied to all pupils in recognised primary schools.” We will revert to families in due course, once further clarification is received.
Confirmation Preparation – Fr Toomey has distributed a note to those in Rang 6 who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next spring. Please check with your child for this as there are preparatory mass dates included, commencing Sunday 9th October next.
Reminder – Many secondary principals have already called this past fortnight to explain their enrolment process. I ask Rang 6 parents to keep abreast of dates applicable to their preferred school(s) of choice.
Voluntary Contribution – Each October, we kindly ask if families are in a position to help the school. While we very much appreciate DES Grant funding, we have additional costs such as supervision, photocopying, curriculum resources and the fact that we also cover insurance costs for each and every child attending the school. We didn’t seek a contribution in 2020 and fundraising opportunities have been curtailed these last 2/3 years. A letter has been drafted and is due for distribution early next week This really helps us to operate and while there is no pressure, we are extremely grateful to anyone who feels they could contribute.
PTM’s – Our Parent Teacher Meetings are penciled in for the 23rd & 24th November. We will be in touch with you in late October to issue further details regarding same.
Sport – Both our Boys and Girls teams represented the school at football this week in Cappoquin. They both enjoyed one win. Swimming continues for Rang 5 & Rang 6 today and right up until Halloween holidays on Friday 28th October.
Library visit – We look forward to a visit from Clonmel Library staff on Monday next. The Junior classes will tell you all about it later that evening.
Shoebox Appeal. We as a school get a great response to this appeal each and every year. Leaflets have been distributed to children and further information can be found on the website
Ladies Final – Best wishes to all our past pupils at Ballymacarbry Ladies Football Club this weekend’s Co. Senior Football Final when they go in search of 41 in a row. The match is scheduled for 4 pm at Dungarvan G.A.A. Club Grounds. Our pupils showed their support today by donning their blue & white. See class photos on our official Facebook page. Best wishes also to Miss Boyce who is a team member.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’ Ryan – Príomh oide