News Update – 12/04/2024
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Welcome back.
Fáilte romhaibh ar ais. Welcome back one and all. Hopefully you had an enjoyable Easter, despite the inclement weather. We have to remember that ‘sweet April showers, do bring May flowers.’ Our pupils are expectant anyway, in that gardening has commenced around the school environs. We now enter Term 3, the busiest, but most enjoyable term of the school year.
The highlight of the week was Wednesday, when our Rg 6 pupils received the Sacrament of Confirmation at both Fourmilewater and Nire Churches. Bishop Cullinan officiated at both ceremonies assisted by Fr Michael, with Fr Jim in the Nire. The children were very well prepared by Miss Byrne as class teacher, with assistance from Kay our SNA, Rose our Secretary and were accompanied by Miss Kelly and members of the school Band on the day. Thanks also to both sacristans, Brendan and Nora, both pastoral Council Chairs, Eileen and Micheal, Mikey, Noah, Enya and Lucy; the altar servers and indeed anyone from both parish communities who helped in any way to facilitate the staging of both ceremonies. Congratulations also to 6th class pupils from Touraneena who joined us in the Nire on the day along with Mrs Houlihan and Miss Murray, their principal and teacher respectively. Could I respectfully ask that families involved, would return the envelopes distributed by Fr Toomey, as previously mentioned.
Rg 4 Blitz.
Today our Rang 4 pupils along with Miss Denmead & Miss Hanrahan travelled to Dungarvan to participate in a Hurling/Camogie Blitz. They played 3 matches each, showing great teamwork, sportsmanship and no little skill according to their teacher. They represented the school very well and well done to all involved.
Academic Calendar.
FYI. The calendar distributed in Term 2 is still applicable for Term 3. As of now, the only days the school will be closed will be the May and June Bank Holidays. Summer holidays will begin on Friday 21st June and pupils will return to school on Wednesday 28th August 2024. Open Afternoon for new infants will take place on Wednesday 12th June between 12:45 – 2:45pm
Additional Caretaking Hours.
We thank Jim for his caretaking work at our school, along with Tina and Majella in their cleaning / supervising roles. However, our school has been granted permission by Tús to seek somebody who is interested in doing additional caretaking hours onsite, provided they meet the criteria as set out by Tús. We will direct the school community to the advertisement as soon as it is finalised, by their office. Any questions in the interim can be directed towards Mrs Connolly or myself.
Is mise.
Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal.