News Update – 22/10/2021
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
We extend our sympathy to Paul Brunnock our 6th Class teacher and his family on the death of his mother Maura. Mrs Brunnock was buried in Rathgormack on Tuesday last. Ar dheis Dé go raibh sí.
Covid-19 Update.
While we had anticipated an easing of restrictions after Halloween, these will be put on hold for the remainder of this term. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation in this regard. We have dealt with two confirmed cases this half term. Guidelines changed in early October to signify that only those who have been classed as HSE close contacts and who are symptomatic are required to absent themselves from school. The latest Isolation Guide for Parents has been published on our website under the “Parent Info” tab. Our year to date attendance rate is 92.6%
Our secretary, Rose has distributed Admission forms to both Ballymacarbry Montessori and Newcastle Naoinra groups. If you require one please contact the school or download the Admission Application form from our website
Health Register.
On this email, we have included a link for you to complete for each child who may have a medical condition or allergy. Traditionally we do this in Term 1 each year by asking that you return a signed slip to school. We have moved to an electronic system now. This should update our system as regards the health needs of our pupils. Please complete for each child, if applicable. I will also attach this link to our website under “Parent Info.”
Maths Week.
Our staff has been leading the children in maths games and puzzles this week to incorporate Maths Week. Thanks to Mrs McGrath for leading the initiative in the school. Along with Rg 5 she is partaking in the Discover Science & Maths Awards. We will engage with Science Week upon returning from our midterm break.
Parent Teacher Meetings.
Traditionally these take place in late November. We will be in contact with families after midterm to finalise details.
After midterm we will be arranging for our school photographer, Ray Power to take family photos in school. This is usually done every second autumn but wasn’t completed in 2020. There will be no compulsion to purchase. Small replica photos can be sent home in advance. This is penciled in for Tues 9th Nov. More info to follow in early November.
The Oiche Shamhna costumes were out in force today, maith sibh. We will put up class photos on our school Facebook page later. Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh go Léir. Reminder. Pupils will return to school on Mon. 1st Nov. for 9:20 am.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal