News Update – 03/02/2023


Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,


Clonmel Credit Union Quiz – Well done to our Senior Team (Rang 6) who finished 2nd in the Clonmel Credit Union Quiz last weekend. Kudos to Mikey, Charlie, Devin and Taylor. Well done to our Junior Team (Rang 3/4) Mia, Cara, Eanna and Ciarán who also competed and did well.


Defibrillator Training – On Tuesday last, our staff received introductory training on the use of our recently purchased defibrillator. We were delighted to welcome past pupil and parent TJ White, Director of Nursing at Tipperary University Hospital, to the school to facilitate this. Our defibrillator is operational from within the school as of now, but the intention is that once we have acquired suitable external housing it will be available to the school and wider community as soon as possible. In the interim, it is placed on the Fire Alarm panel in the hall outside my office. Hopefully, we will not have to use it, but having it on our premises, may prove to be a “lifesaver.”


Brunnock Family Visit – Thanks to Moylan, Megan and Rory Brunnock, who visited us on Wednesday to thank the entire school community, for the support shown to their family, following the untimely death of their dad and our colleague, Paul. We presented a Book of Condolence, while they collected their dad’s musical equipment. As Paul is now deceased a month, a memorial mass for the repose of his soul will take place in Rathgormack Church on Sunday morning at 10am.


Autumn Start Date – At a staff meeting during the week, it was decided to choose a start date of Wednesday 30th August for the 2023/24 academic year. We release this early, for families to plan holidays accordingly.


Chickenpox – Relevant classes have been notified of incidence of chicken pox of late. Please keep a watchful eye for illnesses among children and please err on the side of caution as regards attendance.


HSE Visits – In February, HSE professionals will visit our school on two occasions to administer MMR vaccinations and Sight & Hearing tests for Junior Infants. Two different items of information have been sent home. Thanks to those who have completed and returned same already. The first visit will take place on Wednesday next. Please return completed packs to school by Tuesday morning.


Enrolment – Our enrolment process is up and running. Many families have already applied to enrol a child. We will be in touch with them in March. We would appreciate your help in attracting new families / pupils to our school. It is our intention to host an Open Afternoon in June. For further information, please contact the school or visit our website.


St Brigid – As with tradition, former colleague and staff member, Anna Long called on Thursday to exhibit the skill of St Brigid Cross making to our pupils. We thank Anna for this. Some of our families also continued the age-old tradition of leaving a band or piece of cloth / brat on the eve of her feast. In honour of St Brigid, we will have a Lá Saoire Poiblí (Public Holiday) on Monday, meaning no school. See you all on Tuesday, Le Cúnamh Dé.


To keep up to date with school events, please follow us on Facebook for latest news and photos. A copy of this weekly email is also posted on our website.


Is mise,

Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal.