News Update – 04/03/2022
Dear Parent / Guardian, Colleague & Board Member,
Covid 19 Update –
Thankfully many restrictions have been lifted since Monday and school routines are becoming more normal. Attendance is back up to 94% for the week. All we currently ask is that those who are displaying symptoms would not attend school. The following points are from the latest advice to schools.
- In general, schools should now resume normal school routines and normal teaching and learning activities.
- The requirement to stay at home if you have symptoms remains – for students and staff alike.
- There is no longer a requirement to restrict visitors to schools and schools should revert to the normal arrangements for visitors. i.e. sign Departure Register if taking child early and prearrange appt with teachers outside of tuition time.
- Children who are well should continue to come to school whether they participate in antigen testing or not.
- Schools no longer need to request staff or pupils/students to complete a Return to Work form or a Return to School form after school holidays/breaks.
Departure Time –
As the school finish time has returned to 3pm, we ask that those collecting pupils would do so from 3:05pm. This staggered departure worked well during Covid restrictions and ensured that the bus drivers departed early, freeing up space for parents etc.
The Week that Was –
This week we welcomed former colleague Mrs Long back to help with making pancakes on Máirt na hInide. Thanks to Anna, Rose, Ann and all staff who helped. The children undoubtedly enjoyed their pancóga. On Wednesday we welcomed Fr. Toomey who brought blessed ashes and administered them to staff and the pupils from R1-Rg6. On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day and encouraged the children to dress as characters from their favourite books. Currently we are promoting the Irish language, culture and heritage at school to mark Seachtain na Gaeilge and will continue do so up until St Patrick’s break.
Revised Academic Calendar –
A new calendar covering the period from March – June has been distributed to families yesterday. Please discard older versions including homework journal. There have been some additions including Monday 16th May. Please also see arrangements for St Patrick’s Break.
Enrolment –
Enrolment forms have been distributed to Families interested in enroling their child / children at our school from September. Please complete these and return before April 1st An Open Evening for new infants and their parents will be held at the school in Mid June. More details to follow.
Football –
Our football competitions recommence after a long break on Monday next when our Boys & Girls travel together to Cappoquin to take on both Lismore and Cappoquin Primary Schools. Panel members are asked to be match ready on Monday morning. Please bring extra lunch and extra liquid. Go n-éirí an t-adh libh.
First Penance –
All Rang 2 pupils will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday next at 7 pm in Fourmilewater Church.
Candidates are asked to be in the church at 6:50 pm in full uniform. Family members can attend.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal.