News Update – 05/11/2021
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Covid-19 Update.
I have been asked by the Dept to share this short video to our parent body.
Please continue to notify the school of any and indeed all absences via the following link.
These are necessary for our and indeed TUSLA records.
Health Register.
Reminder if your child or any of your children suffer from any health condition or indeed allergy that we need to be made aware of, please complete our short Health Register questionnaire if you haven’t already done so. This information will only be shared with those who need to be made aware.
Parent Teacher Meetings.
We still await Dept. guidance on the staging of PTM’s in late November as we had anticipated. Hopefully we will be in a better position to inform you at this stage next week.
Team Hope Shoebox Appeal.
Our Christmas shoebox appeal is up and running. These will be collected from school early next week. Each family has been given a brochure with boy/girl stickers. Thanks to those who have already contributed.
Ray Power will call to us on Tues 9th Nov. to take class and family photographs. If you want your family included, please fill in the short questionnaire emailed to families on Wednesday last. Full uniforms on the day please as is the case each Tuesday and Thursday.
Families are currently seeking to enroll their children at our school – Admission Application Forms can be found at the following link which is also available on our website under the enrolment section Please Share this information.
Fr Michael has informed us that the dates for next year’s sacraments will not be released until the New Year.
Science Week.
Well done to the boys and girls and their teachers for engaging in Science week this week. Some photos can be seen on our school Facebook page.
N.B. Apologies for all the “Links” but to cut down on the handling of notes for Covid reasons and paper for carbon footprint / recycling purposes, its best we feel, to move towards more electronic forms of communication. By collating all these links together, parents should find it easier to activate a desired one on the spot.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal