News Update – 08/04/2022
Dear Parent / Guardian, Colleague & Board Member,
Thoughts and Prayers –
We extend our thoughts and prayers to a past pupil of ours and her family following an accident on the Clonmel / Dungarvan road last evening.
Sympathies –
We extend our sympathies to the Gillman family of St Martin’s Place, Ballymacarbry on the death of Fintan (Snr). Finny was husband to Margie who worked at our school in the past at morning and evening time. His children and grandchildren are past pupils of ours also. Ar dheis Dé go raibh sé.
Commitment Ceremony / Ceremony of Light –
Well done to Rang 6 on making their Commitment Ceremony / Ceremony of Light on Wednesday night last in FMW.
Thanks to Mr. Brunnock & Mrs Byrne for their preparation and Fr Toomey for the service.
Congrats to our girls 15 a side team who had a great win over Lismore in the Cuman na mBunscol A final on Saturday last in Dungarvan. Commiserations to our boys who suffered a defeat to the same opposition in the Boys A Final immediately afterwards. Our girls reached the 7 a side final on Monday last in Abbeyside and our boys reached the semi. Thanks to management and all who cheered on both teams.
Crazy Hat / Hair Day –
We were glad to be able to stage the above day to help our Parents’ Association in fundraising. €312 was raised on their behalf. Even though they continued to help the school during Covid and lockdown they were unable to fundraise. They do so much for the pupils and the school and are always looking for volunteers. Please contact Aoife, Therese or Theresa for further information. The children got very involved in the day and some of the photos can be seen on our facebook page. Thanks to Aoife & PA for the treats today also.
Easter Holidays –
We extend the compliments of this holy season to all our school community. School will reopen on Monday 25thApril.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’Ryan.