News Update – 10/09/2021
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Covid Update.
Last weekend we were notified of two Covid 19 positive cases at our school; one from Mrs Kelly’s class and one from Mrs. Coffey’s class. We acted responsibly and asked that fellow pod-mates be withdrawn from school and that they restrict their movements as ‘close contacts’. We are working with pupils and their families in delivering lessons as best we can under the circumstances with available resources. Thanks to Mrs Kelly & Mrs Coffey and the Special Ed. Team for facilitating this. Thank you for your cooperation and due diligence in this regard. Should we be notified of positive cases into the future, a similar response will be initiated unless advised otherwise by Govt./DES.
It is still the case that close contacts can return to school once they have forwarded proof to the school of a second negative test taken on Day 10 and do not present with any symptoms at the time of return.
It is also still the case, that pupils or staff who are symptomatic, stay home from school and undergo testing.
Covid testing appointments are now completed online and ‘walk-ins’ are not permitted. See link attached. I include HSE poster on what to do if your child is identified as a close contact.
DES supplied CO2 monitors are operational in our school as per our Updated Covid-19 Response Plan.
Electronic Self Declaration. (ESD)
Please complete the following declaration for each child returning to school after absence. This is also available on our website under the Covid-19 Section.
Best wishes to our former Rang 6 pupils from the Nire who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation tomorrow, Saturday 11th in Touraneena at 4pm. Bishop Cullinan will administer this sacrament. This marks a busy month of religious ceremonies for our pupils from both the Nire and Fourmilewater. More updates in the weeks to come.
Junior Infants.
Our new Junior Infants will finish at 2pm each day from Monday 13th September.
Leaving Certificate Results
Congratulations to all our past pupils who received results recently. We hope they get what they desire and wish them well in their endeavours. Hopefully the new college year will be a lot different to the last two academic years. We as a school are very proud of them and their achievements.
Past pupil Conor Ryan, who is a brother of Mrs Byrne is raffling his Dungarvan home through a popular site called As part of the package, he is gifting a defibrillator to our school. We are delighted to be beneficiaries and wish him well with this novel idea. For those interested in buying tickets the link is available at and the tickets cost £10 each.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’Ryan