News Update – 11/06/2021


Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,

Covid Update. A case of Covid 19 was confirmed in school last Friday night. It was a staff member, who did not attend school with symptoms absenting himself on Thursday and Friday to get tested, but more importantly to contain the spread.  On Saturday, we liaised with HSE and following Risk Assessments, their directive was to treat Rang 5 as a Class Bubble and remove them from school as “close contacts” to facilitate testing and isolation.  All Rang 5 pupils were tested. We also requested that all staff be tested to ensure that school could proceed for the remainder of our classes.

Thankfully, it was a long Bank Holiday and by Tuesday evening all tests had returned negative. Undoubtedly, our Covid procedures are working, in that, this was isolated to one case and proper procedures were followed by the individual staff member, management, staff, parents and pupils alike.  In saying this, it is only half time for Rang 5. We need a second negative test from each pupil this weekend before we can consider reopening to Rang 5 from Monday next.

In the interim, Mrs Byrne has recommenced Remote Teaching & Learning with them.

A further email will issue to the entire school community on Sunday evening, once we receive individual text messages.  A second negative test result is needed to return.  (Please forward same to us immediately upon receipt.)

N.B. Parents of those in Rg 5 will receive a short clarification in an e-mail to be sent shortly.

Apologies for all the emails, but it is the best and quickest form of communication allowing us to see who is receiving and reading the correspondence. Thanks to all who cooperated in the process in any way. It is worth noting that the relevant staff member had contracted Covid previously during lockdown, had been vaccinated but erred on the side of caution and presented for retesting instead of class duty.  Therefore it is important to reiterate – if symptomatic – not to attend school and present for testing instead. Wishing Rg 5 and their teacher the best as they take another test this weekend.

Sacraments. Rg 2 under the tutelage of Mrs Coffey received their First Penance with Fr Toomey this week. It was a very nice ceremony at FMW Church attended by parents and children. Holy Communion will be held in late September. Because of updated NPHET advice, Confirmation will now take place locally on Sun 11th July at 11am in FMW and 2pm in Touraneena. In effect one week on from original date and time. This change is outside of our control.

School Tours. Our three younger classes have all travelled to Parson’s Green recently with their teachers. Rg 2 is due to travel on Thursday 24th June. No School tours are planned for the senior side of the school, but we will organise local walks for them next week during Active Week which will also incorporate Friendship Week.

Class Splits. Information in relation to Class Allocation and Teacher Allocation for Sept 21 will issue in next week’s email. As stated earlier, classes will be split going forward due to numbers and the loss of a mainstream class teacher.

School Reports. These are currently being processed and will be posted towards the end of next week.

Booklists. These are currently being drafted and will issue prior to the summer holidays. They will also be emailed home and put on our website for use over the summer. Please pay particular attention to class teacher and pupil class as some teachers will have two booklists. All will become clearer next week in relation to teachers and classes.


  1. Rg 5 – Please forward HSE Text message to dedicated email immediately upon receipt. We cannot forward school wide response until all texts are received.

Is mise,

Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal