News Update – 11/11/2022
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
New Addition – Miss O’Keeffe, who has been with us throughout 2022 has joined us in a permanent capacity this week. She is indeed a past pupil of our school and replaces Mrs Kelly who retired at Halloween. Claudia has taught in both Tallaght, Co. Dublin and Arklow, Co. Wicklow, among other places. We wish both Ann and Claudia well in retirement and permanency respectively. Miss Kelly (Jnr) will continue in Rg 5 for the remainder of Term 1 to facilitate PTM’s and school concert.
GAA – Our own 7 a side teams participated in football competition this week. The girls played two matches, winning one. The boys had to settle for a loss on the day. Thanks to Mrs McGrath, Rose our TP student and Johnny the bus driver.
WSP – Following a request to Board, we have teamed up with Waterford Sports Partnership to organise Athletics Coaching for the middle classes of our school. Pat Power (New Ross) will coach pupils in Rg 1,2,3 & 4 during the month of November to be better athletes. Even though subsidised, this comes at a cost and we will be in touch with families. (€5 per child)
We have also teamed up with WSP to organise ‘Balance Bikes’ for our infant classes. We will have these bikes until Christmas, where both Ms Dunlea and Mrs Connolly will coach the pupils, balance, gliding, turning, hand to eye coordination and many other skills, adaptable throughout life. Thanks to Derek McGrath (parent) for collecting these from Dungarvan.
P.T.M. – The overwhelming choice of the parents is for face-to-face meetings (82%). These will take place on Wed 23rd and Thurs 24th November next with ‘Ahearne – Morrissey’ the first day and Mulcahy to Wyse the day after. A letter has been sent home with your eldest child this week. Please make sure you get it. We had a 61% response rate. Thanks to all who responded.
Jubilee Table Quiz. – Our Jubilee Table Quiz takes place tonight for families. The Quiz starts at 7:30 pm and involves teams of 4 at €12 per table. We hope to be finished by 9:30 pm. Many families have registered online and have tables reserved, others can do so tonight at the door, if available. There will be a tuck shop for children and refreshments for adults on the night. Thanks to Aoife and the P.A. for co-hosting this event.
Jubilee Concert – Our teachers and pupils are beginning preparations for our upcoming concert at Christmas. It is hoped to run this over two nights at Ballymacarbry Community Centre on Mon 19th & Tues 20th Dec. This is the first time in a few years that we have staged a concert. More information will be circulated in these next few weeks.
Shoebox Appeal – Thanks to all those families who contributed to our Shoebox Appeal again this year. As of this evening the figure stands at 68 boxes. They were due to be collected this week.
Christmas Annuals – Pupils may order Sugradh, Spraoi, Siamsa and Sonas with Rose if they so choose. The closing date for Christmas delivery is today week. They are priced at €3 each.
Local Sport – Well done to Ballymacarbry Lady Footballers on winning the Munster Club Final last weekend against the Banner of Clare. A large contingent of players and mentors called with treats to exhibit the ‘Michael Ryan’ Trophy on Monday following their heroic win. See our Facebook page for photographs of the event. Best wishes to the Nire this Sunday against Éire Óg, Ennis.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal.