News Update – 12/03/2021
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
One year ago today our school closed under the instruction of the then Taoiseach. One year on and we are ready to welcome back the senior classes in the hope that we can revert to physical classroom instruction.
Thankfully these last two weeks have progressed smoothly with an attendance rate of 86% for the junior side.
Full Reopening. We look forward to welcoming the remainder of our pupils and staff back from Monday.
We thank you all for engaging with the Remote Teaching and Learning since early January.
We will still follow our Covid Response Plan strictly with some additional improvements and it will be up to the entire school community to follow guidelines and procedures to keep our school as safe as possible.
For those of you returning on Monday it is important that you bring the Self Declaration Slip with you on the morning. This is extremely important. (It will also be important for any absences of two days or more.) These slips were posted to all families in the last two weeks and sent by email to the families from Rg3-Rg6 on Wednesday afternoon. A text will issue from the office on Sunday evening as a reminder to do so.
St. Patrick’s Day. The school will close on Wednesday 17th March 2021 to celebrate our national patron, Saint Patrick. Children will be encouraged to wear an item(s) from our national colours.
Non Uniform Day. We ask for a small donation on the day to donate to the Naomi Mulcahy, Knockmeal – gofundme page. Naomi is a past pupil of our school who graduated in 2016. She suffered a stroke as a result of a brain clot in Dec 2020, spending several weeks in hospital. She is currently undergoing intensive treatment and therapy to aid her recovery. She is making remarkable progress. Naomi was a very well liked, kind and considerate girl with an obvious love for nature and especially horses. We send our very best wishes to Naomi and have no doubt that her determination and motivation will be a huge factor in her recovery.
Enrolment of New Junior Infants
Admission Forms (Form 1) have been received and collated and we are in the process of sending out our revised Application Form. (Form 2) These will be handed / posted out next week now that the deadline has passed. I ask that upon receipt, you complete it and return it to us with all necessary documentation prior to 1st Apr 2021. Late applications will continue to be taken and assessed. As of now, it is hoped to hold Open Morning for new Junior Infants and their parents on Fri. 11th June 2021. The format is not yet decided upon due to Covid restrictions but will be relayed to you as early as possible.
Fr. Toomey has asked to pass on his email address to those who are seeking baptismal certificates from within the parish. It is Can I also remind parents / guardians that the closing date for new applications for School Transport close on Friday 30th April 2021. All applications must be submitted online. More information can be located at the following link
Le gach dea ghuí.
Michael J. O’Ryan