News Update – 12/05/2023


Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,


Holy Communion – Best wishes to our Rang 2 candidates, receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist in the Nire on Sunday morning. Thanks to their teachers, Mrs Coffey and Ms. O’Keeffe along with Fr Michael for their preparatory work. Families are asked to be at the church for 10:40 am. Congratulations to their Fourmilewater classmates who were excellent on Saturday last.


Food Dudes – We will begin our latest Food Dudes programme on Monday next. It will last for the entire week. All the children will get the opportunity to taste a variety of fruit and vegetables for their breaks. Please find attached an explanatory note for parents / guardians in relation to this fun and worthwhile exercise.


Community Centre Logo – Well done to our pupils, Kate, Callum, Rhys and Cara whose artwork was incorporated into the newly designed logo for our local Community Centre. Maith sibh!


RSE – An information pack will issue to the families of Rang 6 pupils next week with information in relation to our upcoming Relationship & Sexuality Education Day on Friday, June 9th. Please read carefully and return relevant questionnaire to us in same envelope.


Transition to Secondary Programme – This is ongoing with Rang 6 during the month of May.


School Tours – Miss O’ Keeffe and Mrs Coffey will be in touch with families next week in relation to their upcoming school tour to Dublin on Friday 26th May. Money is being collected for all other tours currently and class teachers will be in touch by way of email in due course.


School Books – Now that we have an idea of classes and teachers, we have made great strides in formulating respective booklists for the year ahead. We hope to go to tender next week and in so doing, avoid a later nationwide rush on books.  In June, at the time of the school reports, we will identify the few items needed to be purchased by families for September. Thanks to Ms Franey and staff on getting us to this stage and you the parents on your understanding and cooperation in the allocation of classes for the year ahead.


Basketball –. A huge congratulations to C.T.I. Clonmel, Basketball team on winning the All-Ireland Schools League Championship at the National Basketball Arena last week. Well done to all involved, including our own past pupils Thomas, Gavin & Rocco and Troy. We were delighted to welcome them into school today to congratulate them on their national success.


Is mise,


Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal.