News Update – 13/01/2023
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Paul Brunnock RIP – Paul was buried last Sunday morning in his native Rathgormack. Thanks to members of both present and past school communities, who paid their respects physically, sent us cards, messages of support by way of written condolences on our Facebook page and Special thanks to those past pupils / families who joined our guard of honour, for our deceased colleague. It means a lot to us and the wider Brunnock family.
Danny Norris RIP – on Monday last, we held a ‘Balloon Release Ceremony’ for little Danny on the occasion of his month’s mind anniversary. It was a simple, yet uplifting ceremony. A large number also attended FMW church later that night. Again, thanks to all who supported the Norris family and school since Danny’s death.
Bishop – Our Patron, Bishop Alphonsus Cullinane took time out of his busy schedule earlier today to call to our school. He visited all classes to convey his sympathy to the staff and pupils on the death of both Danny & Paul. May they rest in peace.
Jubilee Concert – Our rescheduled concert takes place on Mon 23rd & Tues 24th January at 7:15 pm each night. Tickets purchased prior to Christmas are still valid specific to the particular night. We are now reselling the few additional tickets, to those who expressed a wish for more. If you would like to be added to the list, please contact us on Monday or email over the weekend.
The teachers and their classes will be rehearsing at the Community Centre on a rota basis on Wednesday next and will spend all day Monday 23rd at the Comm. Centre in preparation for that night’s performance. More about this in next week’s email; re: regards drop off and collection times for that day.
‘Confirming Our Children’ – The next round of masses for Rang 6 pupils making their confirmation will take place on Sunday in Fourmilewater during the 9am mass. Please follow instructions as outlined by Mrs Byrne to her class this week. Confirmation locally takes place on Thursday 30th March next in FMW & Touraneena.
Mid-Year Academic Calendar – A hard copy of our academic calendar for the remainder of the year has been distributed to pupils today. Please discard older versions and put in a prominent place.
Defibrillator – The Board of Management has purchased a defibrillator for the school. This will be erected on the school grounds in the very near future and staff will be afforded training in its use.
Enrolment – Our enrolment process is still open for Junior Infant intake September 2023. If you know of someone interested in sending their child / children to our school, please remind them to contact us or download an Application Form from our website. Closing date is Wed 1st March 2023.
Catholic School’s Week – This is scheduled to take place between Sunday 22nd and Sunday 29th January. We will celebrate Grandparents’ Day on Wednesday 25th with a mass at FMW church, where all grandparents are invited. More about this next in next week’s issue.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal.