News Update – 13/05/2022
Dear Parent / Guardian, Colleague & Board Member,
This week:
Amongst many other things, our boys qualified for the Cumann na mBunscol hurling semi final this week with a win over Cappoquin. Well done to Mrs Byrne and her charges. Our standardised tests commenced with spelling for most pupils. Rg 2 met with Fr Toomey and continued their sacramental preparation with Mrs Coffey and Miss O’Keeffe. Rg 4 commenced their Local Enterprise Achievement Programme along with Miss Denmead. Rg 6 continued with their Transition to Secondary Programme with Sheila Comerford.
Next week:
We play the Hurling semi final against Scoil Gharbháin, Dungarvan. We prepare for the Sacrament of the Eucharist in the Nire and continue with the Rg 6 Transition Programme.
FMW Holy Communion:
Best wishes to our Fourmilewater boys and girls who will receive this sacrament tomorrow at 11am.
Best wishes to their teachers Mrs Coffey and Miss O’Keeffe and thanks in advance to Fr. Toomey who will administer the sacrament. Fr Michael has politely asked that no photographs be taken during the sacrament itself. There will be ample time afterwards. As regards seating arrangements, families may fill a single pew in the church tomorrow morning. Candidates are asked to be outside the main entrance for 10:45am at latest. Please be aware that people can watch live via the Ardfinnan live stream service and click on the FOURMILEWATER tab.
We have chosen Wednesday 22nd June as our “Open Afternoon” for new entrants. This is a move from the traditional morning slot to facilitate parents. This will involve both children and parents and proceedings will commence at 1pm. An email detailing this was forwarded to families during the week. Further information to follow closer to the time.
Baptism Certificates:
Fr Michael has advised that those requesting Baptismal Certificates should log onto the parish website On the top corner there is a box labeled BAPTISM CERTS. Once the details are entered the certificates can be generated and posted to the family. There is an administrative cost of €6 for this. Pupils from the Nire parish may wish to contact Fr. Garrett.
School is closed on Monday next 16th May in lieu of the extra bank holiday given this year. In future years it will be allocated to the first Monday in February. It will be included in future academic calendars. Also as mentioned before, our pupils will return to school on Thursday 1st September 2022. This may help in planning a family summer.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’Ryan.