News Update – 13/10/2023


Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,


Births – Congratulations to our three staff members; Mrs McGrath, Ms Dunlea and Ms Blain on the very recent arrivals of babies, Ellie Jean, Ben and Mollie.


Clonmel Running – 48 of our pupils from Rg 3-6 braved the elements of the weather and participated in real Cross Country conditions at the Athletics Meet in Clonmel on Wednesday last. Thanks to their teachers who were mentors for the day. Well done to all who participated, bearing the brunt of the inclement weather. We had four medalists return, namely Aine & Saorlaith from the Rg 3/4 section and Anna and Michaela from the Rg 5/6 section. Our Rg 3/4 girls were placed second in overall schools. Thanks to our P.A. for sponsoring the athlete’s running costs on the day, the Costigan family for permitting us to use the adjoining field and not forgetting Johnny, our bus driver.


Cumann na mBunscol GAA– Both our boys and girls competed in the Cumann na mBunscol ‘A’ semi-finals on Tuesday last at the Colligan venue. Our girls were victorious over the Abbeyside girls, while our boys unfortunately didn’t have the same luck. The girls will now play the Western ‘A’ Final on Sat 21st October in the Dungarvan Club Grounds. (X35 K258 – Pitch 1 at 10:20 am) More info next week. Thanks to our teachers and local coaches for their dedication and well done to the boys and girls on their participation. Conor Prendergast, GAA Coach will be here with us the next two Wednesdays, coaching our boys and girls.


Maths Week – As a school we will be partaking in Maths Week next week. At present the DES is in the process of rolling out a new curriculum in the area. Staff members are receiving training for this new development.


BoM – We will be contacting the parent body next week, explaining the process for the upcoming elections.


Cigire – We had a call from our Cigire (Divisional Inspector) recently. We hadn’t received an ‘incidental’ in over a decade and were long overdue. She visited a selection of teachers and classrooms to view the standard of teaching and learning. She also visited the office in relation to quality of leadership and management. Glad to report a clean bill of health in both domains. The process we found, very constructive, supportive and advisory.


Secondary Schools – Many of the schools of which we are a feeder school for, have called to speak with Rg 6 boys and girls recently. Please remind yourself of upcoming Open Nights arranged by these schools, especially the ones, which are of particular interest to you and your child. Ensure application forms are completed and returned to them.


Enrollment – Families are sending in Application to Enroll forms, as we speak. They can be accessed from our website or by contacting the school. We will be in touch with applicant families in due course.


Éire Abú! – Go n-éirí go geal le foireann rugbaí na hÉireann, in aghaidh Nua Sheálainn ‘All Blacks’ trathnóna amárach.


Is mise,

Michael J. O’Ryan