News Update – 14/01/2022
Dear Parent / Guardian, Colleague & Board Member,
Covid-19 Update –
While I am aware of some pupils isolating as close contacts, I have only been notified of 3 current cases among our pupil / staff body. The advice for those testing positive or being deemed a close contact has changed again as and from today. Please do not send your child to school if they are symptomatic, have tested positive by way of antigen / PCR or have been deemed a close contact of someone who has. Latest guidance can be accessed on this website under “Parent info” The attendance rate for the past week has been 85%.
Staffing –
We have been fortunate in the fact that we have been able to call upon Student Teachers during the months of December and January. Some of these return to college soon. Miss Kelly, Miss Boyce and Miss Power are indeed past pupils of our school. We thank them for their help and wish them well in their studies. We also thank our Special Ed team for helping out when called upon.
Pre & post School Supervision –
As you know, we recently advertised for those interested in establishing a Pre & Post school service at our school to come forward by way of an Expression of Interest. This came about following letters from families within our catchment wanting to attend our school but unable to acquire local child minding services. The deadline has now passed and the Chair and I will meet with those interested and ascertain if a system can be put in place to help parents prepare for next year. The Board will deliberate on this soon. We will revert to you again in the very near future with more information.
Water Issues –
Last Tuesday there was a substantial leak on the Ballymacarbry Water Supply which affected our school. Luckily our header tanks can operate for roughly a day before becoming dry. Therefore, Wednesday was not a problem. As water came back on Thursday morning it was ok for school to continue. (At 8 am there was no water) Had the break not been repaired by Irish Water / Waterford Council staff in such a timely manner, we would have been unable to operate and unfortunately have had to close. You can appreciate the water used by 200 individuals on a daily basis between hand washing and toilet flushing. I am merely informing you of this, should a similar event happen again and last into the second day or beyond. Fingers crossed it won’t.
Aisling Murphy R.I.P. –
The entire country is shocked at the tragic death of 23 year old school teacher Aisling Murphy, while out for a walk on the banks of the Grand Canal on Wednesday evening. Aisling taught Rg 1 at Durrow National School, a similar sized school to ours. We have extended our sympathies to her colleagues and pupils at school. We also think of her distraught family at this very sad time. The Community Centre Committee will hold a vigil at 6pm this evening on its grounds in remembrance of Aisling. All are welcome to pay their respects. Ar dheis Dé go raibh sí.
Dream for Danny –
I include the link for Ms Dunlea’s and Danny’s classmates raffle.–ballymacarbry-ns-.html
Is mise,
Michael J. O’ Ryan.