News Update – 14/05/2021
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Covid Update.
Our attendance rate this week has been 95.87%. While this is normal, it is worth mentioning that a vomiting bug has been also doing the rounds in the school this week.
Sacraments Update.
A letter will issue to the parents of 6th Class pupils as regards Confirmation in the parish on Monday next 17th May. First Penance will take place for all Rang 2 candidates on Wednesday 9th June at Fourmilewater Church at 7:30pm. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be held later this summer / autumn and a letter on same will issue very shortly.
Start Date for new Academic Year.
Even though we are in mid May we traditionally announce the start date for the new academic year around this time. All going well, children will return to school on Tuesday 31st August 2021 at 9:20 am. An completed Academic Calendar will be forwarded in September.
From June, pupils will be allowed wear the P.E. uniform each and every school day. Currently it is Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Get Well Soon.
We extend best wishes to Dearbhaile Houlihan in Rang 6 and Jim McCarthy our caretaker who both were injured recently in separate accidents. We wish them both a speedy recovery.
Getting ready for Secondary School – A Parent’s Guide.
While Rg 6 pupils are attending a Transition Course with Sheila Comerford (SCP) from our school, a webinar for parents will be hosted by Waterford Teachers’ Centre online on Wednesday 2nd June at 7pm – 8:15pm. Gráinne Mulcahy, who is presenting this webinar will give a lot of practical suggestions to parents to help them to support their children with this important transition. Parents/Guardians may book on the following Link:
Further emails will issue this evening in relation to:
Rg 5 Visiting Raheen College, Clonmel in June for Taster Classes. Please detach, complete and return if interested.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’Ryan – Príomhoide