News Update – 15/09/2023
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Frankie Connolly. We pay our respects to Nuala and the extended Connolly family of Knockacoola, Ballymacarbry on the death of her husband and their father / grandfather. Frankie worked at this school as a caretaker in the past and was liked by one and all. Frankie died on Sunday last and was buried in Fourmilewater on Wednesday. In his memory, we made a donation to the Cardiac Care Unit of Tipperary University Hospital as per the wishes of his family. Ar dheis Dé go raibh sé.
Temp Secretary: Bridget Landers will deputise for us these next few weeks in the absence of Rose, to whom we wish a speedy recovery.
Behaviour on Bus: Could I please ask parents to convey to children the importance of behaving on the bus
i.e. manners, the wearing of seatbelts, remaining in the seat, respectful of others and their property and the cooperation with the bus driver. This is in everyone’s best interests.
Insurance: Thanks to those who have paid this fee, only a few remain outstanding.
DVD: The concert DVD’s were distributed this afternoon by Kay. Please check bags. Happy viewing. Thanks to Ger McGrath for filming, Seamus Hennessy for production, the pupils for participation, the staff for direction and you the families for supporting.
Swimming: This will commence on Friday next for those in Rg 5/6. Please refer to specific email I sent on Monday last in relation to same.
Parents’ Association. This year’s AGM is scheduled for Tues 26th Sept at 7:30 pm in the school.
Start of Year Mass: This will take place on Wed 27th Sept at 10am FMW.
Secondary School Visits: That time of year again when secondary schools start visiting our Rg 6 students. This will happen over these next few weeks. We already have two booked in.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’Ryan Principal