News Update – 16/03/2023
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Health Register – Thanks to those who updated our Pupil Health Questionnaire from last week’s email. Please do so now if you have forgotten. In light of recent spates of sickness in school, we would kindly ask parents to err on the side of caution if a child is presenting with symptoms on a morning. Contagious ailments can pass to many pupils within a classroom.
Confirmation – Information in relation to the upcoming Sacrament of Confirmation has been emailed to parents this week. Please check your email for up-to-date information. School will remain open for Junior infants to Rg 5 inclusive on Confirmation Day Thursday 30th March.
Seachtain na Gaeilge – Our two seanfhocail for the week are,
- An rud is annamh is iontach. – What’s seldom is wonderful.
- Ar scath a chéile a mhaireann na daoine. People live in one another’s shadow.
Bhain na daltaí go léir sár taitneamh as seachtain na Gaeilge. Ghlac said páirt sa Tráth na gCéist ar an Déardaoin agus sa cheolchoirm inniu, bunaithe ar gach rud gaelach, ach go háirithe Lá ‘le Padraig. Bhí siad gléasta suas, ag damhsa, ag canadh agus ag seinm ceoil ar na huirlisí ceoil, le linn an Céilí Mór. Maith sibh do na cailíní agus na buachaillí agus míle buíochas do na múinteoirí agus foireann na scoile, a d’éagraigh na heachtraí éagsula i rith na seachtaine.
TIMMS. – Information was sent home to Miss Denmead’s Rang 4 Class on Tuesday in relation to the Maths and Science testing outlined in last week’s email. I followed up with an email at 6pm that evening. Please read and return white envelope to school before Mon. 27th March, if you have not already done so.
Uniform Exchange – Don’t forget this P.A. event will be held in the Community Centre foyer on Sat/Sun 25/26th March between the hours of 10 am & 6 pm. You are free to give or take items of clothing on the day.
Religious Education – Our Diocesan Advisor will be paying us a visit on Tuesday next as part of our formal religious inspection.
St. Patrick’s Day. – The school will be closed tomorrow in honour of our patron saint. Tá súil agam go mbeidh an bua againn in aghaidh na Sasanaigh i mBaile Atha Claith Dé Sathairn. Lá ‘le Pádraig shona daoibh go léir.
Is mise, – Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal.