News Update – 16/04/2021


Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,

A warm welcome back to our entire school community following the Easter break.

Covid Update.

Please also note that in line with DES / HSE guidance, children are not permitted to return to school following any period of absence without an up to date Covid Declaration slip. This has been emailed a few times and is available on our website under the Parent Info tab. Please complete this if your child has been absent for more than a day and is returning. Attendance this week has been 95.2% which is consistent with average. I again thank parents / guardians for their continued cooperation and vigilance in knowing when to send their children to school. If unsure err on the side of caution.

With the easing of restrictions somewhat on April 12th we hope to have a smoother Term 3. This is traditionally the most enjoyable term for pupils. While there is still an amount of work to get through, we as a staff will look at fun events such as Sports Days and tours (in some shape or form) following administration of standardised Testing/School Reports and other such important tasks. This will follow on from best available advice from the Dept. of Education and or HSE.

Sacraments 2021 Update.

A letter from Fr. Michael Toomey P.P. has been forwarded to all parents of pupils in both Rg 2 & Rg 6 concerning administration of both sacraments locally. It was emailed on Monday of this week from the school. Please read if this concerns your family and you haven’t already done so.

Minor Works Update.

We took the opportunity to carry out some minor works at the school during the break.

New fire doors with reinforced glass panels have been installed in each classroom and hall door.

A new intercom system incorporating an electronic bell has also been installed and will be operational from Monday next. We also managed to update plumbing work on taps and sinks.  Thanks to those trades people who engaged in the tendering process and those who carried out the work.


Miss Denmead has taken over from Miss Coleman as Rang 3 Class teacher and will remain in situ for the coming weeks.

Contact details.

As we commence the process of School Reports for June, please ensure that we have up to date telephone, email, emergency contact and address details for you and your family.

Le gach dea ghuí

Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal