News Update – 16/10/2020


Dear Parent, Guardian, Colleague, Board Member,

With Halloween almost upon us, I write again to update you on progress and happenings at our school. As I stated some weeks back, it is week to week this term and the first half term is proceeding without any major disturbance thus far. The weather has been very good and this aids the drop off and collection process immeasurably.

Attendance: This week our attendance figure is 95%. Again this is normal attendance. In next week’s issue I will give a figure for the half term to-date and compared to previous years. Needless to say that all the usual protocol apply around sending your child/children to school if Covid related. Please consult your GP and liaise with the school even if not in relation to a pupil, but a family member.

Covid-19: On Monday we will welcome back a staff member who was asked to self isolate by the HSE following close contact with a confirmed case over two weeks ago. This staff member has undergone two tests which proved negative and has completed the 14 day self isolation period. It is safe for us and for her to return to work.

Remote Learning Policy: Since returning to school we have been busy adapting to the new normal, but also updating our Remote Learning Plan, should the government decide to close schools for any length of time other than normal school holidays. It deals with Covid-19 scenarios such as; having a child /children out, having a pod or more at home, having a class bubble or more absent, to having a teacher or teaching staff as láthair. The plan will involve online communications via the medium of the See-Saw App or Zoom or indeed a combination of both. It will move from once or twice weekly to daily interaction. It will also provide for direct e-mailing from teacher to family via school domain e-mail and vice versa. The more established school office e-mailing is also provided for as is the text messaging service and the newly updated school website – Our facebook page is also a very reliable method of sharing information easily, feel free to like and spread the word. Reminder – Please ensure that we have your current e-mail address as well as any recent mobile phone number change.

Deputy Principal: Mrs Catherine Ryan leaves us at Halloween having given 22 years sterling service to our school. She has spent the last 8 years as Deputy Principal and Special Education Needs Coordinator. Catherine is a very good teacher as well as a very good administrator. Catherine has agreed to help out with the transition process once the new Deputy Principal is announced prior to Halloween. We wish her well in her imminent retirement.     Ni bheidh a leitheid ann arís. We wish those aspiring to fill her shoes, the very best at interview.

Halloween Reminder – the school will close on Friday evening 23rd October at 2/3pm for one week and will reopen on Monday 2nd November for 9:20 am. This is correct at time of going to print. In keeping with school tradition and not wishing to put any undue expense on families, children are welcome to wear Halloween themed clothes / costumes on Friday next 23rd October.

Le gach dea ghuí.

Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal.