News Update – 17/09/2021


Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,

Covid Update.

This week saw pupils from our two socially isolating PODs return to school. Thankfully we have had no reported cases in the intervening fortnight. Thanks to all including the pupils themselves, parents, families, class teachers and Special Ed Team who ensured work continued in the interim.

Late this week, we have received updated information from HSE Public Health/ Department of Education & Skills in relation to Covid-19 and we will be implementing this advice to address possible future incidents / outbreaks at our school.  Attendance for this week comes in at 93% which is slightly less than expected average.

Electronic Self Declaration. (ESD)

Please complete the following declaration for each child returning to school after any absence. Also available on our website under PARENT INFO – Absence Notes.


Our Rg 6 past pupils from Fourmilewater Parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this coming Sunday at 11:00am. We wish them well along their families and Mr. Brunnock. Congratulations to those from the Nire parish who were confirmed in Touraneena last Saturday.

An email issued to those making their Holy Communion on the last weekend of September on Wednesday evening last. Please familiarise yourself with its content if you have a child in Rg 3.

Start of Year Mass.

Fr Toomey will celebrate a Start of Year Mass with pupils from Rg 4-Rg 6 on Wednesday 29th September in Fourmilewater Church at 10:45am. All Covid protocol in operation at this time will be observed.


Games Coaching will return to our school on Wednesday 29th September. All classes from juniors upwards will receive football coaching from Barry Dunne. Senior side pupils (Rg3-Rg6) will be asked to have gum shields.

Golden Jubilee.

Can I ask that interested parties make contact with the school if they would like to have an input in how we go about commemorating the upcoming 50th anniversary of our school. It may be suggestions, information, observations etc. You can do so by contacting Rose on 052-6136349 or dropping a line to All help would be greatly appreciated.

Stop and Go.

I have been asked to remind parents to obey the ‘Stop and Go’ facility upon drop off and collection times at our school. Furthermore, I would also ask that families use the ‘One Way System’ in operation at these times.              Please pass this message onto all who may drop off or collect your child/children.

Is mise,

Michael J.O’Ryan – Principal