News Update – 19/01/2024
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Sympathy – We extend the sympathy of the entire school community to Miss Kelly / Mrs Kelly and indeed the entire Halpin family, Clogheen Ballymacarbry and Rathmines Dublin on the death of Clodagh’s uncle and Anne’s brother Johnny in Dublin last evening. Ar dheis Dé go raibh sé.
Grandparents Day – As part of Catholic Schools Week 2024. We will be participating in Grandparents Day on Wednesday next. This will commence with a public mass in FMW at 10 am followed by refreshments for grandparents in the school hall immediately afterwards.
Attendance – Please continue to notify relevant class teacher of reason for absence going forward.
Bank Holiday – The new St Bridget’s holiday will occur on Monday 5th February. The school and attached Before and After School Service will be closed on this day.
Family Quiz – It is our intention to hold a Family Table Quiz in the Community Centre on Friday 15th March, subject to interest from school going families. We had hoped to stage this last term as a follow on from our initial quiz in Nov 2022. We will gauge support after mid-term in February and revert to you in due course.
Chess Competition – The pupils of Rg 6 are looking forward to their upcoming chess tournament. It is a national ‘Ficheall’ event and will take place in Ballymacarbry Community Centre on Tuesday, 30th January.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal.