News Update – 02/10/2020
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague,
With already a month down, thankfully all things are as they should be and we are collaboratively working to keep Covid-19 from our school and our community. This week’s attendance figure is above average at 95.5% and long may this last. Both the Deputy Principal and I had a conference call with our Department Inspector (Cigire) this week and we found it to be a very beneficial and supportive interaction, focusing on our positive return to school and the many new practices implemented at school. These temporary measure will continue to evolve as long as is deemed necessary.
New Website. We are continuously adding to the website and more items have been published this week. Please read on for further details. It can be accessed at
Admissions. From today, we are accepting applications to enrol at our school in September 2021. The initial “Application to Enrol Form” can be accessed via our website or by contacting Rose on 052-6136349. Please spread the word to those families who may be interested in applying for a place at our school for their son or daughter. The new policy surrounding admissions can be located under the “Policies” section of our new website.
Staff Contact. Considering the restrictions around calling to the school for appointments, parents are asked to email the class teacher as a first port of call, concerning issues around your child’s education. Respective school email addresses can be found again on the website within the “Contact” section.
Reminder. P.E. uniforms are to be worn on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Regular uniform, including navy tie to be worn on Tuesday and Thursday. In the interest of uniformity, children are asked to wear plain navy rather than branded tracksuits.
Absence Slips. We ask that you kindly complete an “Absence Slip” when your child returns to school following a period of absence. We would also appreciate a call if your child will be in late or leaving early owing to appointments etc. Once the roll has been taken, it cannot be altered. Absence slips will be handed out but also available on the “Parent Info” section. Please speak to the Principal or D.P. on any Covid related health matter as is customary by now.
6th Class Confirmation. Our three remaining ceremonies will take place at both Touraneena and Fourmilewater churches throughout next weekend at 2 pm each day. A further correspondence will issue to the 6th Class parent body on Monday next in relation to the Sacrament. Hopefully by 11th Oct, we will have completed our unprecedented Sacramental programme for the year of eight individual ceremonies. – Le cúnamh Dé.
Halloween. The Halloween holidays will commence in three week’s time on Friday 23rd October at 2 pm and 3pm for one week and the children will return to school on Monday 2nd November for 9:20am. For more information on our Academic Calendar please check our new website under “Parent Info”
Again thank you for your cooperation in making the return to school a success thus far.
Le gach dea ghuí.
Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal