News Update – 20/05/2022
Dear Parent / Guardian, Colleague & Board Member,
Boil Water Notice: Please note that pupils are asked not to drink water from school taps while a boil water notice is in operation on the Ballymacarbry supply. Please bring your own water in plastic bottles. We will update you accordingly.
Holy Communion: Our attention turns to the Nire this Sunday morning when our Rg 2 pupils receive the sacrament during the 11am Sunday mass. We wish them well along with their teachers Mrs Coffey and Miss O’Keeffe and celebrant Fr Garrett. Congrats to our FMW boys and girls who received the sacrament on Saturday last in FMW and in turn did themselves, their families and the school proud.
This week:
Hurling: Congrats to the boys who qualified for the Roinn ‘A’ Western Final against Lismore during the week when they accounted for Scoil Gharbháin in the Semi – Final. The final is scheduled for Wednesday 1st June in Dungarvan GAA Club Grounds – Maith sibh agus Bean Uí Bhroin.
WSP: Thanks to Waterford Sports Partnership and Pat Power for helping to brighten up our playground games on Thursday. We appreciate the funding towards this and in relation to the purchase of skipping ropes recently.
Standardised Test: Testing continued this week and will do so until the end of the month, results will be collated and inserted into Annual Reports and forwarded to parents from mid June.
Tidy Towns: We submitted our report to Ballymacarbry Tidy Towns this week in relation to our efforts at school to help in their 2022 application. What is noticeable is that there are many ventures and plans in operation at school and in the community to make our place a greener, tidier space; a few which spring to mind would be, not to bring wrappers / tin foil to school, or indeed glass bottles. We thank you for your cooperation in this regard and wish B.T.T. well during the application and adjudication process.
Next week:
School Tours: Our school tours are scheduled between 31/5 and 15/6 2022. Locations this year include Ardmore, Waterford City, Kilkenny City and Limerick. Relevant class teachers will commence contacting parents from next week with further information in relation to times and costings.
Confirmation Retreat: Rang 6 will participate in a confirmation retreat prior to the sacrament from the comforts of their own classroom on Wednesday. Fr Michael will join us as will personnel from The Rosminians, Glencomeragh.
‘Go Fund Me’ A ‘Go Fund Me’ page has been created to help with medical expenses for past pupil, Aisling Kennedy, Glasha who was injured in a road accident six weeks ago. Aisling is receiving care in Temple St, Dublin. We extend our best wishes to her and the Kennedy / Boyle families and pray her Aisling’s recovery. A link to the page can be found here.
RSE Day: Packs for our upcoming Rg 6 RSE day were distributed during the week. Please read, sign and return asap.
Beir bua le Rang 2 Dé Domhnaigh agus bainigí taitneamh as an deireadh seachtaine agus an spórt go léir atá ar fáil daoibh, beo nó ar an teilifís.
Is mise, Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal.