News Update – 22/01/2021


Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,

I hope you are all keeping well and that remote teaching and home schooling has been progressing this last week. Furthermore, both the staff and I hope that our pupils are keeping well and engaging with their teacher as best they can under the current circumstances. The Cabinet will make an announcement late next week as to the possibility of returning on 1st Feb. We will convey this announcement to the School Community as soon as possible. I again apologise for the plethora of emails from here but they are a necessity in this virtual educational sphere. We are happy to have this resource to interact frequently with you and your child(ren).

This week, preparations were underway for a partial return of on-site teaching for our pupils with additional educational needs. Parents were contacted by phone and the response was largely positive. This provision didn’t receive full stakeholder approval on Tuesday and we informed parents the following day. Following this our SET team and I have met again and are figuring out ways we can further support these pupils, in tandem with their teachers, in the absence of returning at present. You may have heard from your child’s SET teacher already.

We remain at your disposal should you require any additional assistance in any shape or form during the school day; be it I.T. support, additional help, or simple advice. It is a two way process so feel free to engage yourself with us. Teachers have been utilising novel ways of trying to interact with pupils and their families.  If you have any requirements or needs for your child(ren), please do not hesitate to contact your teacher first and foremost at (Teacher’s Christian name or myself at 052-6136349 during school hours. I thank all the staff for their efforts in delivering this remote learning in difficult times and also to you parents in assisting help educate your child(ren) with so much else going on in your lives. As stated last week, the current Remote Teaching and Learning Provision is characterised by;

  • Regular engagement with pupils:
  • A blend of guided and independent learning tasks/experiences:
  • Appropriate and engaging learning opportunities:
  • Two-way feedback between home and school:

Grandparents’ Day Mass at 9.30am – 27th January 2021 – Each year, the Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week is designated as the day when the school community celebrates the contribution of grandparents. Grandparents do so much to help raise and nurture their grandchildren. They can play a massive part in helping to pass on the Christian faith to the next generation. They deserve our respect and gratitude for all that they do.  We will invite all students, parents and Grandparents to join us for Mass online on Wednesday 27 January at 9.30am. You can join in with the Mass on: Michael Toomey PP.

We sympathise with our pupils and their families who have lost grandparents of late – May they rest in peace.

Reminder. The New National Admissions Policy states that applications will cease in a few weeks time. If you or anyone you know is planning to enroll a child / children at our school, please remind them to apply without undue delay. I have emailed those who have already applied to enroll this week.

Please keep safe & stay well. Hopefully we can return sooner rather than later in everyone’s interest.

Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal.