News Update – 24/09/2021


Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,

Covid Update.

With four weeks back at school our September attendance rate is 92% as opposed to last year’s figure of 95%.

In line with recommendations from NPHET, it has been agreed that from September 27th 2021, automatic contact tracing of asymptomatic close contacts in children aged over 3 months and less than 13 years, is no longer recommended.

  • This means that children aged between 3 months and 13 years who are identified as a close contact in non-household settings and who are asymptomatic will no longer be routinely required to restrict their movements.
  • Automatic COVID 19 testing of asymptomatic close contacts identified in non household settings will no longer take place; instead testing will focus on clinically relevant symptomatic disease.
  • Public Health advice remains the same for any child between 3 months and 13 years of age with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 – they should immediately self-isolate, should not attend school or socialise and follow current public health advice. Please see for further information.

Electronic Self Declaration. (ESD)

Please continue to use this declaration for any absence pertaining to your child or children.


On Sunday last 22 past pupils of ours received the Sacrament of Confirmation at Fourmilewater Church. It was a lovely ceremony celebrated by Fr Toomey and the children were well prepared by Mr Brunnock. We hope that all concerned had an enjoyable day.  Attention this weekend moves to Holy Communion where Mrs Coffey’s 3rd Class pupils from the Nire will receive the sacrament at 11am tomorrow and their Fourmilewater colleagues, 24 hours later. We wish Mrs Coffey and Rg 3 the very best.

Start of Year Mass.

Fr Toomey will celebrate a Start of Year Mass with pupils from Rg 4-Rg 6 on Wednesday 29th September in Fourmilewater Church at 10:45am. All Covid protocol in operation at this time will be observed.

New Admissions.

Parents wishing to enroll children for 2022/23 can do so by contacting the school after 1/10/21 opening date.

Uniform Reminder.

During these Covid times, children are requested to wear their PE uniform, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Full uniform, including tie to be worn on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Thank you for your cooperation.


Games Coaching will return to our school on Wednesday 29th September. All classes from Junior Infants upwards will receive football coaching from Barry Dunne. Senior side pupils (Rg3-Rg6) will be asked to have gum shields.

Is mise,

Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal