News Update – 26/04/2024
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
School Tours.
Money is now being collected for each school tour as detailed in last week’s issue. Class teachers will be in touch in due course. Tours will take place between the period 31st May – 7th June inclusive.
Our Shoes Charity.
Thanks to those families who sent in runners/ sports shoes to donate to children / adults in Africa. We had a great response. A photo of items collected can be viewed on our social media page. Further information can be found here.
School Uniforms.
Please remember to put name tags on items of uniform, as with the onset of warmer weather, jumpers are regularly left around the school environs causing our lost and found to accumulate.
Free Book Scheme.
We are waiting on the Dept. of Education in relation to how the Free Books Scheme 2024/’25 will be administered. Following feedback from a parent survey last autumn, we learned that the rollout here was greeted very positively. We hope to operate along similar lines insofar as possible, subject to funding allocated. More about this as and when we are notified.
Agri Aware.
A number of our pupils come from a farming background or have access to farms, so we were more than happy to have Ashley from Agri Aware visit our school during the week, to talk to us about the importance of farm safety. She went through Farm Safety signs, PPE equipment, machinery and much much more.
Water leak.
We detected an underground leak to the rear of the school during the week. We are thankful that repair work has been carried out very promptly indeed on the old copper pipe. Hopefully the problem has been sorted. Apologies for any inconvenience caused on Friday.
Is mise.
Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal.