News Update – 28/05/2021


Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,

Covid Update. We did feel the need to contact parents of pupils in Rg 2 this week to send children home who were exhibiting similar symptoms within their respective pods. To have done otherwise would be against HSE regulations and our own Covid Plan. Thankfully, to our knowledge, all is well and there isn’t nor has there been Covid present at school. Please contact the secretary or myself only if you have information in relation to this. While I appreciate parents know their child/children best, we cannot deviate from the plan in the interest of public health. We also appreciate the inconvenience caused to families, but as schools we are all mandated to do this. While attendance figures are at 92% this week, we are happier in the sense that children with symptoms are remaining at home. The alternative would be a class closure or indeed an entire school closure if not addressed immediately. Thank you for your cooperation. We urge everyone to remain vigilant up until Fri 25th June in a schooling sense. Updates will be emailed via this medium, but only when deemed necessary.

School Tours.  Unfortunately as a result of the above, we had to temporarily postpone Rg 1 & Rg 2 tours this week. As of Friday evening, we will proceed with planned trips to Parson’s Green on Tuesday and Wednesday next, for juniors and seniors.  Tours will only be organised for these classes. They will be short in duration, outdoors and confined to class bubbles with no other school being present at the venue on the same day.

Sacraments Update.  Rg 6 had their Commitment Ceremony in FMW Church on Wednesday in advance of Confirmations on 4th July next. Rg 2 Penance Service will take place in FMW Church on Wednesday 9th June at 7:30pm. Preparations are in train with St. Mary’s N.S. Touraneena for Confirmation which will be celebrated at both FMW and Touraneena on Sunday 4th July.

Open Morning. We have decided to postpone our Open Morning for new entrants and their families, originally penciled in for Fri 11th June. Plan B is to hold a Zoom meeting in late June with families and reschedule an Open Evening to late August divided over two sessions of boys and girls. Booklists and an introductory school booklet will be posted home before this Zoom session. Again apologies for any inconvenience caused.

P.E. Uniforms. As published earlier in term, children are permitted to wear their navy P.E. uniform for the month of June. They are also permitted to wear shorts insofar as that they are navy. Branded tracksuits are not advised.

Reminder. As advised in the Academic Calendar, the school will close for Monday & Tuesday of the Bank holiday weekend.

Coaching. Outdoor GAA coaching will recommence on Wednesday 2nd June for three Wednesdays at our school. Hurleys and helmets at the ready please. Rg 3-Rg6 children must have gum shields for football.

Is mise,

Michael J. O’Ryan – Principal