News Update – 28/10/2022
Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,
Retirement – This week we say “Slán” to Bean Uí Cheallaigh / Mrs Kelly who retires at Halloween after 21 years of service to our school. Ann is our only remaining link to the old school at Newtown, in the fact that she attended the school and was a pupil of our founding principal, Mr. Nyhan. Ann also worked in Ballyfermot, Dublin and St Oliver’s Clonmel, again meeting up with their principal, Seán Nyhan, in fact she has served under all principals of Ballymac N.S.
The Halpin family is synonymous with the school; hailing from the same townsland, her mother Josephine provided a mobile shop in by-gone days and indeed provided “secretarial duties” prior to the acquisition of a phone here.
Ann has many strings to her bow which she impressed upon many students down through the years. She has an immense grá for our native teanga and everything Irish, including folklore, local history, culture, music, song and dance which proved contagious to others, both young and old. Also, a great community activist; be it with the GAA, the walking group, or the choir to name but a few.
As a teacher, she will be a huge loss to both pupil and colleague alike and will be fondly remembered for, but not limited to, her work with her Banna Ceoil and music in general, her expertise in all things Gaeilge and P.E. incorporating Active Week and Sports Day, thus ensuring that her additional qualification as a P.E. instructor was put to good use. She will be best remembered however, for her work with the junior classes; the tús maith and the grá don Ghaeilge, she afforded them year on year.
The apple doesn’t far from the tree, in that Ann’s daughter Clodagh or “Miss Kelly” is now a qualified teacher and is currently with us on a temporary basis. – Briseann an dúchas, trí shúile an chait!
Ann is well travelled, having lived in England, Holland, Florida, Boston and Australia. She has many a story to tell on account of this – “An té a bhíonn siúlach, bíonn scéalach.” She now has the time to visit some of the other places she often spoke of in geography class and more family time with husband Leonard, children Cormac and Clodagh. Go n-éirí go geal leat a Áine! Maith Thú. The Board, Staff and Parents’ Associations all made presentations to Mrs Kelly on her departure this week.
Staff Return – A big welcome back to Mrs McGrath on her return to school this week – Fáilte romhat ar ais Michelle.
BOM Vacancy – At Monday night’s meeting, Jason Corbett of Clogheen, Ballymacarbry was elected as Parent Representative on the Board of Management for the duration of the current term. Jason is father of Rory in Junior Infants.
Athletics – We had great success on Wednesday last at Marlfield Cross County Athletics. We had 8 “Top 10” finishes, with Anna Walsh and Áine Horgan collecting podium medals. Please check our Facebook page for an update and photos. Our girls won the trophy for Best Large School.
Sacramental Preparation – Mrs. Byrne prepared Rang 6 for their Commitment Ceremony / Ceremony of light on Wednesday evening last. Fr. Michael officiated. The next Class Mass for those receiving Confirmation in FMW is Sun 18th Dec. at 9am.
Graduations – Congratulations to current staff members and indeed past pupils, Miss Claudia O’Keeffe, Miss Clodagh Kelly and Miss Muireann Boyce who had recent graduations in their respective educational fields.
PTM Options – Thank you for the many responses we received in relation to preferred options for PTM’s. We have a 43% response rate. We will revert to parents immediately upon return after Halloween. The link is still open should you wish to express an option. PTM Survey
Jubilee Table Quiz. – Tables will be confined on the night depending on capacity limits of the Community Centre Committee. Please ensure your participation by completing the following Book a Table Form Thanks to those who have already done so. We will be sending home entry tickets for those registered, on our return.
Shoebox Appeal – We have been granted a short extension on this so now families can prepare a shoe box to be dropped here on Monday 7th Nov. Again, thanks to those who have already participated – Shoebox Appeal
Parents’ Association Disco – Don’t forget the Halloween Disco tonight between 7-9pm
Local Sport – Best wishes to the Nire Seniors in the County Final against Rathgormack this weekend and Ballymacarbry Lady Footballers the following Sunday in the Munster Club Final against the Banner of Clare.
Happy Halloween – Halloween is a holiday celebrated each year on October 31st. The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated Nov 1st as a time to honor all saints. Soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats. – (
Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh go Léir. Our school will reopen on Mon. 7th Nov. at 9:20 am. Clocks “fall back” Saturday night into Sunday morning, meaning an extra hour’s sleep.
Is mise,
Michael J. O’ Ryan – Principal