News Update – 30/04/2021


Dear Parent / Guardian / Colleague / Board Member,

Covid Update.  

Thankfully from this week, restrictions are set to ease somewhat and the school will follow suit. We are glad to have recommenced lunchtime sport on a timetabled basis. Hopefully this will pave the way for more outdoor activity in May / June 2021. Our attendance since Easter has been very good at 95.7% with a year to date figure of 95.4%

Quite an amount of activity is planned for May / June and this will become clear over these next few weeks. I will use this forum to keep you updated of events, as best I can.

Sacramental Update.

Last night’s Covid-19 update from Government read;

*Recommencement of in-person religious services. It is advised that other religious ceremonies such as communions and confirmations should not take place at this time.

This is all we have for now but we will be in touch with Fr. Toomey/Fr. Desmond and yourselves in due course.

Thank You.

In addition to our teaching and SNA staff, I would also like to give a mention to those who help out at our school. This work continues at evenings and weekends and in some cases during Covid Closures; Rose our Secretary, Tina for her help with cleaning, Majella for her daily pre and post school supervision / cleaning and Jim for his caretaking duties. Go raibh mile maith agaibh go léir.

Our School Intercom and Electronic Bell have been functional this past week and will hopefully stand the test of time, like its predecessor the physical bell.

May Bank Holiday.

Enjoy the May Day Bank Holiday weekend and we hope to see as many as possible back on Tuesday 4th. Le gach dea ghuí.

Michael J. O’Ryan
